Whistle blower Policy

The Fund’s Whistleblower Policy is an important element in detecting corrupt, illegal or other undesirable conduct. The Fund strongly encourages you to speak up if you suspect or witness any matters of concern. The policy describes the protections available to whistleblowers, what matters are reportable, how you can report your concerns without fear of victimization, and how you will be supported and protected.

The full policy can be found below

Whistleblowing Polices and Procedures Manual

Who is a Whistleblower?

A Whistleblower is someone who discloses Reportable Conduct as defined on page 2 of this Policy.

What is Reportable Conduct?

Reportable Conduct is anything that you have reasonable grounds to suspect, in relation to Fund, is a misconduct, or an improper state of affairs. Some reportable acts are also listed on page 2 of the policy.

What should I include in the report?

  • Description of offence
  • Date on which the reporter became aware of the offence
  • Name of the person suspected of the offence
  • Action taken before filing a complaint or allegations (if any)

Identity Protection

All complaints will be treated in a strictly confidential and sensitive manner as per the Fund’s Whistleblower policy.

How do I make a Whistleblower Report?

There are two options available.

  • By email. You may send a whistleblower report via email to the dedicated email address tfalert@teachersfund.org.gh. Please note that your email address and hence your identity may be identified when you submit using this means. Use the email option if and only if you are OK with being identified as the one submitting the report and wish to be contacted for any follow-up information in relation to the report. All reports however will be treated with the strictest confidence as per the Fund’s Whistleblower policy.
  • Anonymously using an online submission form. To submit a whistleblower report using an online submission form kindly click here. Please note that your report will be submitted anonymously so you cannot be identified or contacted for any follow up information. Use this method if and only if you wish to remain truly anonymous.

BEFORE you submit a Whistleblower Report please be sure that:

  • You have identified a potential Reportable Conduct.
  • You understand the confidentiality and anti-retaliation protections provided in the Whistleblower Policy

Please use the form below to submit your whistleblower report anonymously. Please upload only .pdf and .jpg files.